Viva Orthodontics

Orthodontics and Invisalign in Mississauga, Ontario

We're here to make you proud of your smile


Your Dream, Our Passion


Committed to a high standard of patient care, efficiency, and professionalism, Viva Orthodontics takes great pride in understanding and achieving patient goals in the best ways possible, minimizing discomfort and difficulty for the patient while maximizing results.


Why Choose Viva Orthodontics?


Committed to a high standard of patient care, efficiency, and professionalism, Viva Orthodontics takes great pride in understanding and achieving patient goals in the best ways possible, minimizing discomfort and difficulty for the patient while maximizing results.

We believe in doing everything in our power for our patients to help them realize their dream smile. The expertise we wield, the top-of-the-line technology we employ, and the custom treatment plans we create will assure you that, at Viva Orthodontics, you’re always in good hands.


Orthodontic Braces

Braces can be used for both cosmetic and medical reasons. An orthodontist may recommend braces in order to improve a patient’s overall dental health, fix a misaligned bite that is causing jaw pain and soreness, or simply straighten out any teeth.

There are many candidates for orthodontic braces: no problem is too small. Whether it’s a few gaps in your teeth or a clicking jaw, braces are a reliable and time-tested form of treatment.

Types of Braces

Orthodontic treatment has evolved significantly, and we have kept ahead of the curve with all of the latest treatment options.

Below are all of the choices our patients have to help them pursue their smile goals in a way they’re comfortable with.

Traditional Braces

Everyone is familiar with reliable metal braces. These traditional braces, in use for centuries, are capable of treating even the most complicated orthodontic cases.

As dental science has progressed, metal braces have evolved along with it. Modern technology gives them a more lightweight, streamlined feel and structure. Modern braces are made with the kind of high-quality stainless steel, titanium, or even gold that you can feel confident in. The brackets are firmly bonded to your teeth and linked together with lightweight wires that ensure your teeth are being shifted properly and on schedule.

With frequent maintenance and monitoring by your orthodontist, traditional braces can treat all kinds of conditions: underbites, overbites, crossbites, gapped teeth, crowding, and more.

Ceramic/Clear Braces

Clear braces are growing in popularity due to their discreet appearance and equivalent performance to traditional braces. They work the same as their metal counterparts, with the added benefit of near-invisibility.

While receiving orthodontic treatment is nothing to be ashamed of, some still may feel self-conscious about the look of their new hardware. In cases like this, the discretion of ceramic or clear braces can increase a patient’s comfort in social and professional situations.

What Can Braces Fix?

Braces are great for a variety of orthodontic irregularities from the minor to the severe, or simply for cosmetic purposes.

Here’s a list of the most common reasons orthodontists will recommend braces to a patient as an appropriate method of treatment.


An underbite is when the lower jaw significantly overlaps the upper jaw. An underbite can bring on complications such as difficulties with eating and speaking, and possibly even jaw pain if left untreated. The severity can vary between a mild underbite, where your upper and lower teeth almost touch, and a severe underbite where the two rows of teeth don’t meet at all.


As opposed to the underbite, and overbite is when the upper jaw significantly overlaps the lower. Though it is common for patients to have a little bit of an overbite, a larger one can cause the same issues with eating, speaking, and pain.

Deep Bite

A deep bite is the term for when the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth to an unusual degree, potentially even causing the lower teeth to impact the roof of the mouth. A deep bite can cause injury or affect the shape of the face.

Gapped Teeth

Gaps or spaces between teeth can be both a cosmetic and medical issue. Gaps may bring about self-consciousness and a lack of confidence in social or professional settings.

Gapped teeth can also be a concern for dental hygiene. Decay and debris are more likely to build up in significant gaps in teeth, as these larger areas are more difficult to fully clean with a toothbrush and floss.


Crowding occurs when there isn’t enough space for new adult teeth to erupt properly. Without the proper room to protrude safely and easily, adult teeth can erupt wherever there’s extra space, even if that space isn’t able to accommodate them.

Crowding can lead to both medical and cosmetic issues if left untreated for a long period of time. Crowded teeth are more prone to tooth decay, as there are more crevices that are harder to clean. If left untreated, tooth decay can lead to more serious issues like gum disease and/or periodontal disease down the line. While it’s important to fix this crowding at the source with orthodontic treatment, it’s also important to have your teeth cleaned twice yearly to ensure nothing sinister is building up in the crowded areas of your mouth.

Crowded teeth can also be an aesthetic issue. Because they are harder to clean, it’s far easier to develop yellow staining on crowded teeth.

Crooked Teeth

Many people have teeth that simply grow in crooked, twisted, or with overlap. Even if these teeth aren’t posing significant threats to your dental health, they can still be fixed through a method of orthodontic treatment.

Misaligned teeth can wear down faster, develop cracks, put strain on the jaw, and increase the risk of TMD (temporomandibular disorders) and chronic headaches. Depending on how misaligned the teeth are, they can even affect speech.

Palatal Expanders

Palatal expanders are sometimes needed when it’s necessary to encourage facial growth and jaw development or solve problems with the upper jaw. This appliance gently widens the upper jaw and roof of the mouth to correct any issues associated with it being too narrow, or fix other issues that our orthodontist may identify.

There are a few main issues a palatal expander corrects. These issues are:

Breathing Difficulty

The misalignment of a jaw could potentially impede breathing. If you have a narrow arch, for example, your breathing may be restricted due to a smaller air passage. Please let us know during your consultation if you’re experiencing any breathing problems so we can take a closer look.

Impacted Teeth

Sometimes the mouth is too narrow to accommodate teeth that are trying to erupt. Expanding the upper jaw can make room for the teeth that may be blocked by others, so they can come up easily and safely. Detailed X-rays will be able to reveal any teeth that will encounter problems protruding.


Due to a lack of space in the mouth and jaw, the adult teeth may be unable to erupt properly. Crowding happens when teeth grow into whatever available space is available in the mouth, regardless of improper alignment. While in some cases problem teeth will have to be removed to make room, a palatal expander can widen the jaw to ensure the teeth will grow safely.

Cosmetic Enhancement

Not all orthodontic treatment is medically oriented. A palatal expander can be used to aesthetically broaden the smile and help you love the way you look. This would be an option for a patient with relatively straight teeth that doesn’t require braces or Invisalign.

Last but not least, wearing a palatal expander can shorten the length of your orthodontic treatment!

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Clear aligners offer a virtually invisible alternative to metal, ceramic, or clear braces, and have become wildly popular among teenage and adult patients. Discreet and removable, they are perfect for patients of all ages that are looking to improve their smile, bite, and oral health.

Invisalign works in a series of trays. Each tray will be slightly straighter than your teeth, so your teeth and bite are always being guided into the desired positions with minimal discomfort.

Invisalign for All Ages

Invisalign for Teens

Invisalign has many benefits for teenagers. Orthodontic treatment can be socially difficult at this age, and the inconspicuousness of the clear aligners helps boost the confidence of your teen.

Invisalign for Adults

IIt’s never too late to get a smile that you feel proud to show off. While more and more adults are choosing to wear braces later in life, Invisalign allows you to get the same level of orthodontic treatment with maximum discretion.

Benefits of Invisalign

While everyone will experience benefits and perks that are specific to them, Invisalign has a variety of benefits shared commonly among patients.

Virtually Invisible

One of the most popular benefits is the transparency of the clear aligners. Patients love how discreetly their treatment can remain while getting all the benefits of traditional braces. Just remember to keep your aligners clean so they stay clear of any debris or build-up from foods and drinks.

Completely Removable

Another great benefit is that Invisalign is completely removable. This eliminates the need to worry about food getting irretrievably trapped, having to limit your diet, or experiencing any discomfort while eating. Unlike braces, you won’t have to cut any foods out of your usual diet—just make sure you clean your teeth thoroughly before returning your aligners to your teeth.

With Invisalign, you can be sure you won’t miss out on any social occasions. Because your aligners can be easily removed for eating and drinking, you’re still able to go out for lunches and dinners with friends, have a few cocktails, play sports, and feel included in other fun activities. There’s nothing you can’t do!


Invisalign can also be more comfortable than traditional braces. Because you don’t have any brackets and wires to worry about, over time and once the adjustment period is over, Invisalign will fit comfortably and naturally. You’ll hardly know it’s there.

What Does Invisalign Treat?

Invisalign can treat a variety of orthodontic issues, both minor and severe. The most common conditions include:

Whether the need is cosmetic or medical, your orthodontist will be able to determine if you’re a good candidate for clear aligners.

How Do I Get Invisalign Treatment?

Qualifying for Invisalign treatment is easier than ever. If you’re interested in seeing what clear aligners can do for you, all you have to do is call our office to set up a consultation with one of our friendly and helpful receptionists!

If you’re wondering if Invisalign is right for you, don’t hesitate to set up a consultation with our practice to find out. It’s absolutely free!

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